Automaatne teravilja etteande segamine kaalumispakendite ja kimpude pakkimismasina liin
Seal on klient, kes tellis terve rea, sealhulgas teravilja segamise, kaalumise täidise, pakkimisliini. Kogu liin võib ühte kotti automaatselt segada rohkem kui 4 tüüpi erinevat teravilja. Masinaga saab kotti moodustada ...
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Naudime rahvuspüha (1. oktoober–7. oktoober)
Kallid kliendid: Pange tähele, et me alustame oma riigipühaga 1. oktoobrist 7. oktoobrini. Meie töötuba suletakse 1. oktoobril 5. oktoobril. Kõik meie müügimehed kontrollivad jätkuvalt e-kirju ja whatsappi ...
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Head sügise keskpäeva (2022.09.10-2022.09.12)
Sügispäevaga alustame 2022.09.10-2022.09.12. Kuid meie müügijuht hoiab sidet WhatsAppi ja wechati kaudu. Tere tulemast meiega ühendust võtma, kui teil on pakkimismasina nõue ...
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Automaatne väikese koti pulbri täitmine ja pakkimine suurde valmiskottide pakkimisliini
Meil on veel üks pakkimisliin valmis paigaldus meie kliendi tehases. Kogu liin, sealhulgas 6 komplekti väikest vffs-kotti, mis moodustab täidise sulgemise pakendamismasina 50grammise tatrajahu jaoks, pakkides seejärel suurde eelnevalt valmistatud lukuga kotti. Iga 16 tk 50grammine ...
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Ameerika klient ostis automaatse maapähkli VFFS pakkimismasina
Our customers from The USA placed the order on one unit VFFS peanut packing line: ZL520 automatic VFFS packing machine with multi-head weighing machine .For all the machines purchased it is clear to confirm all the information on the products and we ...
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Õnnitlused! Kliendi tehasesse paigaldati veel üks külmutatud toiduainete pakkimisliin!
Another automatic frozen food bag packing and carton filling line was successfully installed in the customer's factory! The set includes a vertical packaging machine, a multi-head weigher, an elevator, a conveyor system, weight checker, metal detectors, palletizers. The whole line ...
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Head uudised! Meie kliendi tehases alustas tööd järjekordne automaatne vaakumpakendamise masin!
Our company's vacuum packaging machine has been very popular because of its stable performance, high accuracy, and the nice and square shape of the finished bags that come out of the packaging. This vacuum packaging machine is divided into single ...
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Veel üks ühik kuivpärmi vaakumpakendamise masinat on tarnimiseks valmis
One more units of dry yeast vacuum packaging machine are ready for delivery https://et.iapack.com/wp-content/uploads/1653318a479e67ac8308a3f6175694e9.mp4 This automatic brick bag vacuum packaging machine for dry yeast is order by our Iran client for packing 450-500gram dry yeast .The whole system including one ...
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Kaks ühikut Milleti automaatset pakkimismasinat viivad lõpule paigaldamise ja silumise meie klienditehases
The largest manufacturer of millet in Inner Mongolia, China, purchased two sets of millet packaging equipment from our company, which are 500g to 1kg millet bag filling and packaging equipment, and 1000g to 2000g millet prefabricated bag weighing and packaging ...
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Oleme puhkuselt tagasi.
2022,We are back from holiday . If there any requirements please contact me in any time ...
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Thanks for all of our clients support and trust .Now it is the end of 2021. We will start our spring festival holiday from 28th Jan to 7th Feb 2022 . But our online services will be keep every day ...
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Automaatne vaakumpakendamise masin 2 kg ensüümiga viimistletud paigaldamiseks
This is a vacuum powder packaging project for a domestic customer. The customer ordered two sets of linear type single-chamber vacuum packaging machines for packaging 2 kg of biological enzymes. Two sets of vacuum equipment have been successfully installed and ...
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Head uut aastat 2022 kõigile meie klientidele
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Mis on VFFS-i pakendamismasin
Automatic VFFS packaging machine as the main packaging machine which can use roller film to forming filling sealing and packaging different product . It is a machine with strong packaging capabilities and can be applied to all kinds of small ...
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